
Friday, November 9, 2012


Hello and welcome to Ms. Nakano's art room!

Here I will be posting updates on what is happenin' with the students, events, assignments, and more.

Today I have the wonderful announcement of dedicated students showing up 7:30 in the morning to refine and finish their posters for the Peace poster contest! The contest is through the Lions Club (http://www.lionsclubs.org/EN/index.php) for children between the ages of 12 to 14. This year's theme is "Imagine Peace" and the challenge is to communicate that message without using symbols or letters. Imagine that!

I will upload completed works after the judge comes this afternoon.
Until then, here are some photos of the art room!

In the back of the room you will see the wonderful name cards students created that express themselves.
The name skeletons were created by the 7th grade boys.

If you face the front of the class, you see the display of sketchbook covers 7th grade girls are beginning to finish! Some did an amazing job refining the edge of their work using paint or marker.
I have a circular desk instead of the teacher desks with drawers. It's perfect when I have demos to show!
The blue bin with the brown folder is where students turn in their Art Folder with homework.

Some close ups of the name cards!
6th grade

7th grade

8th grade

Not all are displayed for some have taken them home to finish up.

That's it for now. 

Please check often, I will be uploading works by my Technology Art Club we have later today!

 Happy Weekend

*** Homework ***
6G: - Value Worksheet
6th grade Reminder: Classroom drawing and Reflection due last class!

7th grade: - Finish refining sketchbook cover
                 - Reflection for sketchbook cover

8G: - Research on a specific kind of shoe.
              Identify: Occasion, Person, Need, Aesthetic, and Problem.
              Bring in 3 different images. (Try to bring images of the shoes from different angles!)
8th grade Reminder: Personal Object drawing and reflection due last class.